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Cecillio Santini Crushed Velvet Tuxedo Emerald






Discover the ultimate in luxury and style with the Cecillio Santini Crushed Velvet Tuxedo Jacket Collection. Each piece in this exquisite line is crafted from premium crushed velvet, offering a sumptuous feel and an eye-catching sheen that commands attention. Whether you choose the classic elegance of black, the deep richness of navy, the bold drama of red, the lush vibrancy of emerald, or the unique allure of white, these jackets are designed to make a statement. Featuring sleek lapels and a slim fit, these tuxedo jackets are perfect for high-profile events, gala nights, and any occasion where making a memorable impression is a must. Stand out from the crowd with a Cecillio Santini tuxedo jacket, where traditional elegance meets modern flair.


  • 64% Polyester / 34% Viscose / 2% Elastane
  • Black Satin Lapels
  • Single Breasted Closure
  • Side Vents
  • Slim Fit
  • Black Belt-looped Dress Pants
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